Photos by (left to right): Erin Jones, Julie Floro, Lauren New.


If I’m not playing board games or rolling d20’s, you’ll often find me behind my camera, drawing, creating new content, or happily getting lost in the beautiful state of Washington.

Brace yourself—I'm an unapologetic nerd. Whether we're battling Eldritch horrors in my favorite tabletop game, having a 24-hour Star Wars movie marathon, or dissecting the latest in anime and video games, consider me your go-to marketing professional with a nerdy twist. Engage me in nerdy banter or throw movie quotes my way, and we're basically best friends already.

Now, let's rewind a bit. In college, I double-majored in English and Communications, but my career journey took a lot of unexpected turns. High school was when I started getting serious about photography, but that was after I had already been building websites with HMTL and creating graphics in Photoshop. My post-college ventures led me through wedding photography, book publishing, and social media management, eventually culminating into a dream role at a local newspaper. However, dreams met a reality check a few years later. Small papers were getting bought out left and right, and you know the drill—cue the closures.

Here's where it gets interesting. After my dream career took a nosedive, I started to look for a place where I could weave all my skills into a little tapestry of success. Digital and print graphics, content creation, SEO, website building—you name it, and I likely have experience in it. That's why today, I love to share my wide array of marketing skills - I love empowering smaller businesses that don't even know where to start, and organizations that need strategic marketing solutions.

By day I'm a marketer, by night, a photographer. But no matter the job, my love for the craft grows with each project. While you'll find basic packages on my website, don't hesitate to reach out for a tailored marketing experience. I've got your marketing needs covered (or I know someone that can help). Let's elevate your brand together—let's chat!